Friday, May 15, 2020

Comparsion f Epic of Gilgaines and Step Brothers - 1314 Words

At first glance it may appear as though Western and Non Western myths are completely opposing concepts that contain ideas varying across almost four thousand years. However, many modern narratives look back at ancient works to retell some of the most important lessons and themes from those times. Although the ancient Babylonian myth, Epic of Gilgamesh, depicts the harsh journey of a king and his quest for immortality, it also shares similarity to a modern movie, Step Brothers, by unraveling the story of two strangers who set aside their differences to become bonded as friends and brothers. The Epic of Gilgamesh is similar to the movie Step Brothers because they are both introduced with two main characters that share dislike for one another. For example, during the Epic of Gilgamesh, the city people of Uruk prayed to the gods to help them combat the arrogant king Gilgamesh. A hairy wild man, Enkidu, was then created to challenge Gilgamesh and his unlawful behaviors. Once confronted by Enkidu, Gilgamesh was angry at the fact that this unknown man was questioning his decisions and Enkidu was upset that a king would take advantage of his power. It was obvious the two did not like each other and in attempt to stop Gilgamesh, Enkidu fought him. Likewise, in the movie Step Brothers, two strangers, Brennan and Dale, are forced to meet one another and from the get go had a strong urge of hate towards each other that resulted in fighting. However, the reasons behind the arguments

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